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General Election manifesto

No to Gaza genocide and NATO war against Russia! Fight for a socialist alternative to Starmer’s Labour Party! Build a socialist anti-war movement!

The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is standing candidates in the British general election to build a socialist anti-war movement, based on the working class.

Millions of workers and young people in the UK hate the Conservatives and Labour for their backing and arming of the Israeli state as it commits genocide, killing more than 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and they want an alternative.

Read the manifesto

The SEP candidates in the 2024 elections

Tom Scripps

Scripps is the assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party. He has been a member of the SEP for over a decade—joining in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash—and has since published hundreds of articles of Marxist commentary and analysis on the WSWS.

He has been a leading campaigner for the freedom of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and delivered speeches on the subject in the UK, France and Germany. Scripps also stood for the SEP in Holborn and St Pancras in the 2019 general election.


Darren Paxton

Darren Paxton, 25, joined the Socialist Equality Party in 2017, opposing US-led wars in the Middle East and following the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump.

Born and raised in Inverness, he attended Culloden Academy High School where he read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, and later studied media and film at UHI. He has won support for Trotskyism among young people, against the promotion of Scottish nationalism. Since graduation he has worked in social care and retail.

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